sabato 19 maggio 2007

"I was thirsty and you gave me to drink"

Vi invito a leggere questo articolo di uno straordinario prete spagnolo che per anni ha vissuto nella casa di Minakulu dove abitiamo noi oggi, con la gente martoriata dagli attacchi dei ribelli, con la paura e la consapevolezza di non essere padroni del proprio domani. Bè insomma..parla di noi in un articolo molto bello (seppur in inglese, per i più vecchi mi dispiace ma non faccio in tempo a tradurlo!) sull'acqua, diritto umano spesso negato qua, e su come le organizzazioni governative internazionali e non gestiscano i loro progetti a tal proposito ( e su questo ci sarebbe assai da discutere).
"My reason for hope today is that I know people who don’t go for international conferences in big hotels, but follow the Gospel mandate where Jesus says: “I was thirsty and you gave me to drink”. Since last year, a group of four Italian volunteers working for a Christian peace organisation has lived in the parish house of Minakulu. They don’t have electricity or running water and everyday they go to fill their jerry cans at the borehole in the centre, like everyone else living there. After fundraising from their friends at home, they managed to get some little funds and they are using every bit of it to do what others are not doing: repair boreholes in remote villages. I have found it amazing how a mere Shs 300,000 (about $170) can change the lives of one thousand people. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it is goodwill and a compassionate heart that can make the difference. Without those, even the biggest amount of money will be of no use."

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